A Residential Development Opportunity
Kāinga Ora is pleased to present an opportunity for development partners to purchase and develop Stage 3 superlots in the Oranga Development. Stage 3 comprises of six superlots with a total area of 19,312m2 (1.93Ha) and supports a yield of approximately 96 homes.
Respondents are invited to submit Registrations of Interest for one or more of the superlots described in the offer.
Stage 3 Summary
- 6 market superlots
- Total area of 19,312m2
- Supporting a yield of approx. 96 homes
- 50% of homes to be KiwiBuild/affordable housing
- KiwiBuild typology criteria of a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes
- All new homes to achieve Homestar 6 rating
- Homes to comply with the Kāinga Ora Design Guidelines which can be viewed at www.kaingaora.govt.nz/publications/design-guidelines/
- Sites are zoned Residential Terrace Housing Urban/Suburban
- Handover of sites around May 2022 or earlier by mutual agreement
How to Respond
Respondents are invited to submit Registrations of Interest (Phase 1) for one or more of the superlots described in the offer. It is intended that a shortlist of respondents will be selected to enter into Phase 2 and asked to provide a detailed proposal.
To complete a Registration of Interest, respondents are asked to complete an online response form and attach relevant information to support their response.
Click here to complete the online response form
The closing date for Registrations of Interest is: 4PM on Friday 28 August 2020
Selection Process
- A shortlist will be selected in mid September 2020
- Prospective purchaser/s will be invited to proceed with detailed proposals (Phase 2) by late September 2020
- The final purchaser/s selection is expected to be made in early November 2020
Questions in relation to the IM and response should be made directly to procurement-UDD@kaingaora.govt.nz.
Oranga IM
DownloadDesign Document
Topographical plans
DownloadTechnical Document
Technical reports
DownloadDesign Guidelines
Kāinga Ora has an established set of design guidelines for the development projects we masterplan and manage. These guidelines guide our own organisation and our delivery partners, with the aim of ensuring that the built environment we deliver facilitates positive social outcomes. They demonstrate best practice design so that all parties involved know what is required to meet our core objective of creating neighbourhoods that support the wellbeing of our communities.